Ok, so I have to admit, my nerves were a bit shot going in. They put that cuff on my arm and it started to tighten and then it stopped and started again and I started thinking - Oh no, no, no, don't go up, don't go up and well, the entire office cheered. It was not great, but it was "acceptable" 137/87 which is still bedrest, but my brain gets to remain inside my head for now. Michaels heart rate is still in the 150's, nice and strong, he is not showing signs of distress.
I am thankful for this and thank you all for your prayers as I am learning. Today I prayed that I will know and appreciate God's timing as I know it is perfect, but I also know I am not, so whatever time we have with Michael, pray we appreciate it, because I know now more than ever, I can not get any one of these moments back.
Oh and just one more little thing - I am measuring bigger than I should. I am, not him. I already knew that, but the good news is they did not stick any needles into me to drain it...yet and I actually got bigger AND lost weight. The bad news is the excess fluid causes me to have contractions (yuck!) but they seem to be more irritating than anything.
I'm so glad your BP is hanging in there. And that they didn't have to drain you! xoxo