Thursday, October 29, 2009

Michael's tree

I have had this orchid plant for a few years and although I managed to keep it alive, I could not figure out how to make it bloom but it grew and grew. About a month ago right about the same time we found out we were having a boy it bloomed the most beautiful bloom. 5 flowers and for some reason I could not shake the significance of 5 blooms. Five blooms, one for each one of us, but there should have been 6. About the same time I got Michaels diagnosis, the orchid died. It just died after all that time almost overnight. There are a few green leaves left but it is most definitely almost gone.

My 7 year old brought me this really pretty white flower home the other day and we put it in a little vase. She told me she brought it for me since Michael is a boy she thought white was the right color since she could not find a blue one. How sweet I thought. The next morning we woke up and overnight the flower turned pink. It was really amazing and a few days later she brought me another one and well the same thing happened. The next day she came to me and said, "mommy I know why it changed, it turns beautiful right before it dies". I had noticed this tree full of these blooms and we have lived here for a few years ~ how could I have not noticed this before??? It is full of white flowers with a few pink ones, really very pretty. Today as I was driving home the entire tree is pink and although it is very pretty, my heart stopped for a moment. I keep looking at those 3-D ultrasounds and he looks so perfect, maybe he is like the tree? I have to plant a tree for him, it has to be that tree, it is a Michael tree.


  1. That is amazing. My heart goes out to you during this time.

  2. Thank you Shalan, I did not think anyone was out there : ) It makes me feel a little less alone...

  3. I do come and check every few days. You are definitely not alone.

