Friday, February 12, 2010

Goodbye Doctors

Well this week was my official, last doctor appointment and I had to take a few days to digest. I am not sure how I feel yet. I still do not have the pictures back from Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, and that is kind of weighing on me for some reason, but honestly I know they will come at some point, but because they were there I can't help but be anxious. It is really all I have left and I want to make a memory book, but I can't until I have pictures...

My doctor was very kind this week, she asked if we were going to try again and I told her I was scared. We obviously wanted Michael, and I obviously do not want to replace him. The genetic counselor assured us we are not carriers and the chances of a male trisomy 18 baby not miscarrying were very slim, which is the proverbial lightening strike. Well, I have some thinking and praying to do...because lightening scares me...


  1. Hi Jodi,

    I am the Programs Assistant for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. I can assist you in finding your photographer for the images if needed. Please email me at if you'd like help. We do allow our volunteers up to eight weeks to deliver the images to the family.

    All my best,

  2. Thanks Shana - she is wonderful and just lost her grandfather. She has been in contact with me and I am not upset with her, just excited/anxious. Thank you though, I love your organization, just amazing, I can not tell you how important you all are. Thank you!!!
